What Is Judicial Foreclosure?

Learn how judicial foreclosures work, steps in a typical judicial foreclosure, states that use the judicial foreclosure process, and more.

"Foreclosure" is the process of selling a home to pay off an unpaid, secured debt. In some states, foreclosures are always "judicial," which means they go through the court system. In other states, foreclosures are typically "nonjudicial" (out of court), although these states also permit judicial foreclosures.

Read on to learn how judicial foreclosures work, what type of notice you'll get in this type of foreclosure, how you can raise objections to a judicial foreclosure, and which states use a judicial foreclosure process.

Steps in a Judicial Foreclosure

Judicial foreclosures usually take longer than nonjudicial foreclosures, generally lasting from a few months to several years, depending on the state. Below are the steps in a typical judicial foreclosure.

Preforeclosure Loss Mitigation Review Period

The mortgage servicer usually can't begin foreclosure procedures if you miss just one or two payments. Under a federal law that went into effect January 10, 2014, in most cases, the servicer must wait until the borrower is more than 120 days delinquent on the loan before officially starting the foreclosure. This delay ensures you have time to apply for loss mitigation (an alternative to foreclosure), like a loan modification, short sale, or deed in lieu of foreclosure.

The servicer can still send you notices informing you that you're late in payments, like a breach letter (see below), and provide information about legal aid, counseling, or other resources. In most cases, federal law requires the servicer to inform you about various loss mitigation options that might be available.

The Lender or Current Owner of the Loan Files a Lawsuit

To officially begin the foreclosure, the lender or subsequent owner of the loan files a lawsuit in state court. You'll learn about the suit when you are served papers called a "complaint" and "summons."

Complaint and Summons

The complaint for foreclosure, sometimes called a "petition for foreclosure," sets out the reasons why the judge should issue a foreclosure judgment. The summons will notify you about your rights and state how many days you get to respond to the complaint by filing an "answer" with the court. Usually, you'll get 20 to 30 days. If you want to object to the foreclosure, you must file your answer by the deadline.

It's easier to raise defenses in a judicial foreclosure than in a nonjudicial foreclosure because you automatically get a chance to go in front of a judge.

Judgment of Foreclosure

If you don't respond to the lawsuit, the foreclosing party will probably get a default judgment authorizing the home's sale. A "default judgment" means you automatically lose the case because you didn't respond to the suit.

On the other hand, if you file an answer, the foreclosing party can't get a default judgment. Instead, it will likely file a motion of summary judgment (where the court grants judgment in favor of the foreclosing party if there's no dispute as to the important facts of the case).

If the court denies summary judgment, the case will proceed to trial. Ultimately, the court will enter a judgment of foreclosure against you unless you have some defense or counterclaim that justifies or excuses your delinquent payments, or you can show that the lender or servicer didn't properly follow state or federal law in the foreclosure process.

Deficiency Judgments

When a house is sold at a foreclosure sale for less than the outstanding mortgage debt, the difference between the debt and the foreclosure sale price is called the "deficiency."

In many states, the foreclosing party can get a personal judgment, called a "deficiency judgment," against the borrower for the deficiency as part of a judicial foreclosure or by filing a suit thereafter.

The Foreclosure Sale

After the court issues a judgment, a foreclosure sale is set. At the foreclosure sale, if a third party makes the highest bid on the home, that person or entity will become the new property owner.

But in most cases, the foreclosing party will be the high bidder. At the foreclosure sale, the foreclosing party typically bids on the property using a "credit bid." A credit bid means that the bank bids the debt that the borrower owes. Basically, the lender gets a credit in the amount of the borrower's debt.

Sometimes, the court must confirm the sale afterward.

When You Have to Leave After the Foreclosure

You might not have to leave the home immediately after the foreclosure sale. Depending on state law, the homeowner might be able to remain in the home until the court confirms the sale or, perhaps, until the redemption period expires.

What Is a Redemption Period?

In some states, the homeowner gets the right to live in the home during the "redemption period." A redemption period is a period of time when the foreclosed homeowner may redeem (repurchase) the home after the foreclosure.

After the foreclosure sale, confirmation of the sale, or the expiration of the redemption period (depending on state law), the foreclosed homeowners must vacate the home, or the new owner will take steps to evict them.

States With a Judicial Foreclosure Process

Foreclosures are generally judicial in the following states: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia (sometimes), Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana (executory proceeding), Maine, Nebraska (sometimes), New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma (if the homeowner requests it), Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota (if the homeowner requests it), Vermont, and Wisconsin.

Talk to a Foreclosure Lawyer

If you're facing a foreclosure and want to learn about potential defenses, whether the foreclosing party can get a deficiency judgment against you, or how to avoid a foreclosure by working out an alternative, consider talking to a foreclosure attorney.

Contacting a HUD-approved housing counselor is also a good idea.

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