How Are Deficiency Judgments Collected?

Your lender sues you for a deficiency and wins, but you can't afford to pay. Now what?

By , J.D. · UCLA School of Law

You fall behind on your mortgage payments. Your house is sold at a foreclosure auction. You move to a new home and breathe a big sigh of relief. The nightmare is over. It's a fresh start, and you can now start rebuilding your life and credit.

But wait, your mortgage lender contacts you and says you still owe them money. The foreclosure sale didn't raise enough cash to repay your mortgage loan. If you don't make up the difference between what you owed and the foreclosure sale price—the deficiency—your lender might ask a court for a deficiency judgment.

Can Your Lender Sue You for the Deficiency?

Whether your lender can sue you to recover the deficiency depends on state law.

How a Lender Gets a Deficiency Judgment

Most states allow lenders to sue borrowers for deficiencies after a foreclosure or, in some cases, in the foreclosure action itself.

Do All States Allow Deficiency Judgments?

No. And some states allow deficiency judgments in judicial foreclosures but not after nonjudicial foreclosures. Other states forbid deficiency lawsuits if the house that secured the mortgage was the borrower's primary residence.

Others cap the amount lenders can recover in deficiency lawsuits to the difference between the outstanding mortgage debt and the house's fair market value.

Will My Lender Sue Me for a Deficiency Judgment?

Remember that just because your lender can sue you for the deficiency, it doesn't mean that your lender will ask a court for one. Lawsuits are expensive. Your lender most likely won't sue you if they think they won't recover anything.

If you, like many borrowers in foreclosure, have no income or assets that your lender can seize with a deficiency judgment, you're considered "judgment proof," and your lender probably won't sue you for the deficiency.

How Are Deficiency Judgments Collected?

A deficiency lawsuit is like a lawsuit to recover an unsecured debt, such as credit card debt or medical bills, because the deficiency is exactly that, an unsecured debt.

Why Are Deficiencies Unsecured Debt?

Before the foreclosure, your mortgage was a secured debt; you owed your bank a certain amount of money, and your home guaranteed repayment. Because you failed to repay your mortgage loan, the bank had the right to sell your house to recoup the debt.

After foreclosure, you might still owe your bank some money (the deficiency), but the security (your house) is gone. So, the deficiency is now an unsecured debt.

How You Become Liable for a Deficiency

You might be thinking to yourself, "But the bank foreclosed! I don't own the house anymore. How can I still owe them money?"

When you originally took out the mortgage you used to buy your home, you signed two documents. One of these documents was a promissory note in which you promised to repay the mortgage debt to your lender. The other document was a security agreement, a mortgage or deed of trust, in which you pledged your house as security for the loan.

The security agreement gave your lender the right to foreclose. Once the foreclosure is over, the security agreement is no longer in effect. But the promissory note lives on, as does your obligation to repay any remaining debt.

How Will the Lender Collect the Deficiency Amount From You?

If your lender gets a deficiency judgment ordering you to pay off the deficiency and you ignore this court order, your lender can use the deficiency judgment to place liens on other property that you own, garnish your wages, or freeze your bank accounts.

What If You Can't Pay the Deficiency?

If you can't afford to pay back the deficiency and want to avoid having your wages garnished or your accounts frozen, talk to your lender. See if the lender is willing to work out a repayment plan with you or settle for a reduced amount. Be aware that, ordinarily, when $600 or more of debt is forgiven or canceled by a creditor, the amount forgiven is considered income for federal tax purposes.

If you need assistance dealing with your lender, consider hiring a foreclosure attorney to help you.

Consider Bankruptcy

If the lender won't budge or negotiations fail for another reason, you might want to consider filing for bankruptcy. If you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it could wipe out the deficiency debt, along with many of your other unsecured debts. With a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you might have to repay just a portion or none of the deficiency. If you think bankruptcy might be a way out for you, talk to a bankruptcy attorney and do some research on your own.

Talk to a Foreclosure Lawyer

Whether you'll owe a deficiency after foreclosure depends on your state's foreclosure laws and what kind of foreclosure you're facing. So, to find out whether your state has an anti-deficiency statute and whether you'll go through a judicial or a nonjudicial foreclosure, do some legal research or talk to a foreclosure lawyer.

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