Wage Garnishment & Other Debt Issues

Filing for bankruptcy can solve many debt issues. For instance, the bankruptcy discharge wipes out qualifying debt, such as credit card balances, personal loans, medical bills, and more.

As soon as a debtor files a bankruptcy case, the automatic stay order prohibits many types of creditor collection activities, including most wage garnishments. But not all—for instance, you’ll still be responsible for support payments.

wage garnishment works by directing your employer to withhold part of your paycheck each pay period for the benefit of your creditor. Some creditors can garnish your wages soon after you default, but most must go to court and get a money judgment against you first.

You’ll find articles on these topics below, as well as other debt information, such as how long a creditor has to sue you on a debt, and the federal and state laws that protect the amount a creditor can take. You can also gain a better understanding of frequently used bankruptcy terms, such as secured, unsecured, and priority debt

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