Cara O'Neill

Attorney · University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law

Cara O'Neill is a legal editor at Nolo, focusing on bankruptcy and small claims. She also maintains a bankruptcy practice at the Law Office of Cara O’Neill and teaches criminal law and legal ethics as an adjunct professor. Cara has been quoted in bankruptcy, finance, small claims, and litigation articles by news outlets that include USA Today, CNBC, U.S. News & World Report, Nerd Wallet, and Yahoo Finance.

Cara received her law degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, where she graduated a member of the Order of the Barristers—a highly-selective honor society that gives national recognition to top law school graduates demonstrating excellent skills in trial advocacy, oral advocacy, and brief writing.

Working at Nolo. Cara started writing for Nolo as a freelancer in 2014 and became a full-time legal editor in 2016. She has authored a number of Nolo self-help legal books, including How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, The New Bankruptcy, Everybody's Guide to Small Claims (national version), and Everybody's Guide to Small Claims in California. She also co-authors and edits Solve Your Money Troubles and Credit Repair and has written hundreds of articles for,,, and

Early legal career. Before joining Nolo, Cara spent 20 years working as a trial attorney litigating criminal and civil cases. She also served as an administrative law judge mediating disputes between auto manufacturers and dealerships and began teaching law as an adjunct professor in 2004. She added bankruptcy to her practice after the 2008 financial downturn.

Origins of litigation and writing career. Thanks to her mother, Cara’s advocacy training began early and involuntarily. In junior high school, she took second place two years running in the local Optimist Club speaking competition. She also successfully competed on her high school speech and debate team for several years, eventually serving as president of the same. During law school, she competed on a nationally ranked ABA moot court team for two years (and was recruited for a third, but declined) and served as a law journal editor.

Articles By Cara O'Neill

How to Protect Your Home in Bankruptcy
Find out what happens to your home in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. You'll about filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy when you're behind on your mortgage payments, what it means to "exempt" equity in your home, how to determine how much home equity you can exempt in bankruptcy, how Chapter 13 works to save one's home, and when you can “strip” liens from junior mortgages and HELOCs in Chapter 13 and pay substantially less than you owe.
Debt Limits for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a cost-effective way to handle debts, but to qualify, you can't owe more than the Chapter 13 debt limits. If your debts exceed the Chapter 13 limits, you'll be limited to Chapters 7 or 11. Learn how much secured and unsecured debt you can have when filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, whether temporary increases in the Chapter 13 debt limits will allow more people to file, and how to find the current debt limits in Chapter 13.
Do I Have Enough Debt to File for Bankruptcy?
Although you don't have to have a minimum amount of debt to be eligible for bankruptcy, you'll need to meet other qualification requirements, as well as determine whether bankruptcy is a good option for you. Learn ways to determine whether you can pay debts without filing for bankruptcy, including negotiating to pay less to creditors.
The Bankruptcy Trustee and the U.S. Trustee
The U.S. Trustee Program oversees the bankruptcy trustee appointed to your case and more. Learn about the differing responsibilities of the bankruptcy trustee and the U.S. Trustee.
Which Type of Bankruptcy Should You File? Chapter 7 vs. 13
Once you've decided that bankruptcy is the right solution for your financial situation, you must decide which bankruptcy chapter is best. This article explains the basics of Chapters 7, 11, 12, and 13. You'll also find a chart illustrating the primary differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
The Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy
The automatic stay in bankruptcy requires most creditors to stop all collection efforts against the debtor.
Bankruptcy Filing Options for Married Couples
Married couples can file for bankruptcy jointly or individually. Learn which option is best for you.
Can I File for Bankruptcy Without an Attorney?
Although you can file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy on your own, it often makes sense to hire a lawyer. Learn when it's important to file for bankruptcy with an attorney, as well as how to find a good bankruptcy lawyer.
Steps in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case
The steps in a typical Chapter 13 bankruptcy case include filing initial paperwork, drafting a repayment plan, and attending a 341 meeting of creditors. After completing the three- to five-year repayment plan, the court discharges (wipes out) qualifying debt balances.
Can I Get a Loan or Credit During My Chapter 13 Case?
Can you get a car loan or new credit card, or incur medical or other debts during your Chapter 13 bankruptcy? Find out here.