Andrew Suszek

J.D. · DePaul University College of Law

Andrew T. Suszek, J.D., has practiced personal injury law (including medical malpractice) and business law. He has experience in all of the stages of a lawsuit: valuing, filing lawsuits, conducting oral and written discovery, drafting and arguing motions, trials, and appeals.

Andrew holds a law degree with a certificate in international and comparative law from DePaul University as well as a bachelor’s degree in political science, professional writing, and history from Saginaw Valley State University.

Andrew was a standout student at both schools. At DePaul, Andrew graduated with honors after excelling in several moot arbitration competitions. At SVSU, Andrew again graduated with honors after being elected student body president.

You can email Andrew at [email protected].

Articles By Andrew Suszek

How to Sue a Hospital for Malpractice
Here's what you'll need to do to bring a medical malpractice lawsuit against a hospital.
Medical Malpractice Claims Against Psychiatrists
Like other medical professionals, a psychiatrist can be held liable for negligence in a medical malpractice lawsuit. Here are the key legal issues.
What is the "Duty of Care" in Personal Injury Law?
Proving fault in most personal injury cases means proving that someone breached the "duty of care." Here's what that means.
Asbestos Lawsuits: Laws and Legal Remedies For Workers Exposed to Asbestos
Workers harmed by asbestos exposure may be able to sue for damages based on negligence, or on a product liability theory.
Liability When a Surgical Error Causes Nerve Damage
Nerve damage can result from anesthesia or the procedure itself, and medical malpractice liability could follow.
Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation: "Wrongful Birth" Lawsuit?
Can a health care provider be sued for medical malpractice if a woman becomes pregnant after tubal ligation?
Homeowner Liability for Trampoline Injuries
Homeowner can be on the legal hook when someone is injured on or around a trampoline.
How Long Until I Get a Medical Malpractice Settlement?
A look at the typical timeline for resolution of a medical malpractice lawsuit.
How Will You Pay a Medical Malpractice Lawyer?
Your medical malpractice lawyer will likely represent you under a contingency fee agreement. Here's what to expect.
Health Insurance and Liens on Your Personal Injury Settlement
If your medical insurance has paid for treatment of your accident injuries, learn how that could affect your personal injury settlement.