Defining a Legally Valid Marriage Under U.S. Immigration Law

To get a marriage-based green card, you must show that you and your spouse are legally married, that it's a bona fide marriage, that you are married to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, and that neither you nor your spouse is married to someone else.

By , J.D. · University of Washington School of Law

If you are a foreign national married to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and you plan to apply for a marriage-based visa or green card, you must double check that this marriage meets the following legal requirements:

  • you and your spouse are legally married
  • you and your spouse are in a bona fide (non-fraudulent) marriage
  • you are married to either a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, and
  • this is your only current marriage; in other words, neither you nor your spouse are married to anyone else.

We'll explain all of these requirements below.

Only a Legal Marriage Will Qualify Someone for a U.S. Green Card

To qualify for a marriage-based visa or green card, you must be legally married. A legal marriage is one that is officially recognized by the government in the country or state where you were married. This usually means that an official record of your marriage has been made or can be obtained from some public office.

Same-sex marriages count for immigration purposes, as of the Supreme Court's 2013 decision in U.S. v. Windsor. That case struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which had defined marriage as between a man and a woman. And based on a later Supreme Court decision, every U.S. state authorizes same-sex marriages. A same-sex marriage outside the United States will need to have taken place in a country where such marriages are legally recognized.

Domestic partnerships, in which a couple lives together but have not formalized their relationship, are not normally recognized for U.S. immigration purposes. However, if you have lived together in a place that recognizes common law marriages, you might be able to show that you met the requirements for your marriage to be legally recognized in that state or country. If you are in this situation, consult an attorney.

You do not need to have been married in the United States for your marriage to be legal. It is perfectly acceptable if you marry in your home country or elsewhere. A variety of marriage procedures are also recognized, from church weddings to customary tribal practices.

But both you and your spouse must have actually attended your wedding ceremony. So-called "proxy" marriages, where another person stands in for the bride or groom, are not recognized by the U.S. government unless the couple later consummates the marriage, meaning they have sexual relations.

If you have not yet married, make sure you are eligible to do so. The state or federal government where you intend to marry might have legal restrictions on who can marry. In the United States, each of the 50 states establishes its own marriage rules. For example, in some states a person must be 18 years of age to marry, while in others one can marry younger with the parents' consent.

If you and your spouse are related by blood, you'll also need to do some research. You'll find that all states prohibit marrying one's sister or brother (sibling), half sibling, parent, grandparent, great grandparent, child, grandchild, great grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew. But some states have additional prohibitions, such as marrying one's first cousin.

Finally, you will need to get a document showing you were legally married. U.S. immigration authorities do not normally accept anything less formal than a marriage certificate issued by a legitimate government agency (as opposed to a piece of paper from a church or a ship's captain, for example).

Only a "Bona Fide" Marriage Qualifies Someone for a U.S. Green Card

A bona fide marriage is one in which the two people intend, from the start, to establish a life together as husband and wife. (Or, in the case of same-sex marriages, husband and husband or wife and wife, or however they wish to define themselves.)

Although marriage can mean different things to different people, one thing is clear: A marriage entered into for the sole or primary purpose of getting the immigrant a green card is not bona fide. It's called a "sham" or "fraudulent" marriage, and uncovering these relationships is a top USCIS priority.

For more on what USCIS may look at, see Proving a "Bona Fide" Marriage for Immigration Purposes.

Only Marriage to a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident Will Qualify Someone for a Green Card

There are only two classes of people living in the United States who can obtain permanent residence or green cards for their spouses: U.S. citizens and U.S. lawful permanent residents (green card holders).

Determining Whether Your Spouse Is a U.S. Citizen

Your spouse could have become a U.S. citizen in a variety of ways, including:

  • being born in the United States or one of its territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Mariana Islands
  • becoming a citizen through application and testing (called naturalization), or
  • acquiring or deriving citizenship through a family member. (Acquisition and derivation of citizenship are complex areas of the law. In general, however, people may acquire citizenship by being born abroad to one or two U.S. citizen parents; they may derive citizenship if they become lawful permanent residents first and their parents are or later become U.S. citizens.)

Unlike some other countries, the United States does not require that its citizens carry any sort of national identity card. People who are U.S. citizens might have different types of documents that prove their status, such as a birth certificate, a U.S. passport, or a naturalization certificate.

Your U.S. spouse will need to get a copy of documentary proof of citizenship in order to accompany your application for a U.S. green card.

Determining Whether Your Spouse Is a U.S. Lawful Permanent Resident

A lawful permanent resident is someone with a legally obtained green card. This means that the person has a right to live in the United States permanently and may eventually become a U.S. citizen. The spouses of permanent residents are eligible for a green card (although it will take longer than for spouses of U.S. citizens, due to annual limits on the number of available visas).

You should know, however, that the fact that your spouse has a green card now doesn't guarantee that they will have it forever. Permanent residence can be lost, for example, if the person makes their home outside the United States or commits certain crimes or other acts that cause U.S. immigration authorities to begin removal proceedings and order the person deported. If your spouse were to lose permanent residence while your application was being decided on, you would also lose your right to immigrate through the marriage.

A green card is not the same thing as a work permit card. Someone who carries a card with the title Employment Authorization Document is not a permanent resident.

Only If This Is Both Spouses' Only Marriage Can a Foreign-Born Person Qualify for a Green Card

Any previous marriages must have ended by legal means—such as death, divorce, or annulment—and in the course of your green card application, you'll have to present official documents to the U.S. government to prove it. Otherwise, U.S. immigration authorities will wonder whether your first marriage is still your active and real one, making your new marriage just a sham to get a green card.

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