Can I Overstay a U.S. Visa While Waiting to Get a Green Card?

If you stay in the United States past the permitted date allowed by your entry visa (shown on your Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record created for you by U.S. Customs and Border Protection), you risk being removed from the Unites States (deported) at any time.

By , J.D. · University of Washington School of Law

If you stay in the United States past the permitted date allowed by your entry visa (shown on your Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record as created by U.S. Customs and Border Protection or CBP), you risk being removed from the United States (deported) at any time. Nevertheless, many people opt to overstay, hoping they will eventually be able to adjust status. (Adjustment of status is the process of applying for a green card without leaving the United States.) Unfortunately, a visa overstay can ruin someone's chances to adjust status and immigrate at all, as described here.

Are You, in Fact, Eligible for a U.S. Green Card?

If you have no current known basis for a U.S. green card, then overstaying your visa in hopes that you will somehow become eligible is a big gamble. (See, for instance, Can You Get a U.S. Green Card? Eligibility Quiz.)

Even if you were to become green-card eligible, your overstay could interfere with your ability to adjust status to U.S. resident, or otherwise obtain a green card, as discussed next.

Eligibility for a Green Card Is Not the Same as Eligibility to Adjust Status

If you are in fact eligible for a U.S. green card—perhaps because you're closely related to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or you have an employer willing to petition for you—that's great. But realize that not everyone who is eligible for a green card is also eligible to adjust status within the United States order to get it. Most people, though not all, will have to return to their home country for the final part of the green card application process, which includes an interview with a U.S. government official at the consulate or embassy there. (For details on that, see What Happens During Consular Processing?.)

That might not sound bad, until you realize something important about the grounds of inadmissibility within U.S. immigration law. If you have stayed in the United States unlawfully for more than six months (180 days), then when you get to your visa interview overseas, the U.S. consular officer will (unless you fit into a narrow exception) penalize you by refusing to allow you back into the United States for three years. If you overstayed for a whole year or more, the penalty is ten years. This is what's called a ground of "inadmissibility."

Your best and only hope will likely be to apply for a "waiver" (legal forgiveness), which can be granted only based on a showing of hardship that your U.S. citizen or permanent resident relatives would experience if you were denied a green card. These waivers can be hard to get, particularly since mere sadness at the separation will not be viewed as sufficient. (See, for example, Staying in the U.S. With the I-601A Provisional Waiver of Inadmissibility.)

People who can and do adjust status—that is, process their whole green card application without leaving the United States—do not face these penalties for overstaying.

Who Is Eligible to Adjust Status Even After a Visa Overstay?

A few people are actually allowed to adjust status even after their visa has expired, such as those who:

  • entered the United States legally (after inspection by a border or other immigration official) and are applying for residence as immediate relatives of a U.S. citizen (which means being either the spouse, minor unmarried child, or parent if the citizen is over age 21), or
  • had a visa petition or labor certification filed for them several years back, under an old law called 245(i).

Because of what's at stake, you shouldn't attempt to figure out your own eligibility to adjust status after an overstay without experienced legal help.

Can You Renew Your Existing U.S. Immigration Status?

If your current immigration status (most likely under a visa) is likely to expire before you can apply for adjustment of status, contact an attorney right away, before the overstay occurs. The attorney can help you find out whether an extension or renewal is possible in your visa category, or whether there's some other solution to the situation. Keep in mind, it might not be possible to remain legally in the country, at least in the short term.

What If You've Already Applied to USCIS to Adjust Status?

If you have already submitted your Form I-485 and supporting forms and documents to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and you have received acknowledgment that it has received and accepted it for processing, you no longer have to worry about renewing your visa. Your status in the United States is legal while you wait for the interview at which your adjustment of status application will be decided upon.

Protecting Your Future Ability to Obtain U.S. Visas

If you overstay a visa and then leave the United States, your record could be examined any time you apply for future visas. You can be denied reentry based on your past history of late departures from the United States.

If you believe you might be eligible for a U.S. green card, but you are nearing the expiration date on your permitted stay under the terms of a visa, or you have already overstayed, you'll definitely want to consult with an attorney.

The attorney can analyze your personal situation and tell you how long it's safe for you to remain in the United States, whether you can adjust status, and if not, whether you're likely to qualify for a waiver allowing you to get a green card through processing overseas ("consular processing").

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