Social Security Survivor Benefits: Eligibility and Filing

Social Security survivors benefits are federal benefits that operate much like a life insurance policy—benefits are paid to families when insured workers die.

By , Attorney UC Law San Francisco
Updated 11/16/2022

Certain family members can apply for survivors benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) when a worker who was entitled to Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) dies. This includes:

  • eligible children
  • widows and widowers
  • divorced spouses, and
  • dependent parents.

The rules and benefit amount each dependent can get vary somewhat. Here's what you need to know about who's eligible for survivors benefits and how to apply for them.

Survivors Benefits for Deceased Worker's Children

A dependent minor child whose parent died while receiving SSDI benefits (or whose parent had earned enough Social Security credits to be eligible for benefits before dying) is eligible for survivors benefits. The child can receive what's called a "child's benefit" until:

  • the child turns 18, or
  • until turning 19 (if still in high school).

A deceased worker's disabled adult child can also receive survivors benefits if the child became disabled before turning 22. (For more information on benefits for children with disabilities, see our article on SSDI and SSI benefits for children.)

The child of a deceased worker can get up to 75% of the parent's monthly benefit (up to the family maximum). Learn more about getting Social Security benefits for children with disabled parents.

Social Security's Mother's or Father's Benefit

If you're the surviving spouse of a deceased worker and you're taking care of your late spouse's child, you're eligible for what's known as the "mother's benefit" or the "father's benefit." You'll qualify at any age, as long as the child in your care is under 16 years of age or disabled (if the child became disabled before turning 22).

For information on calculating benefits, see our article on spousal disability benefits.

Collecting Benefits as a Surviving Spouse

Even if you're not caring for children under age 16, if you're the surviving spouse of a deceased disabled worker, you can get survivors benefits. To qualify, you must be at least 60 years old (50 if you're disabled) and the amount of the survivors benefits must be more than the amount of Social Security you could collect based on your own work record.

This benefit is often called the "widow or widower's benefit." Learn more about the eligibility rules to get disability benefits as a surviving spouse.

Getting Survivors Benefits as a Divorced Spouse

If you're the divorced spouse of a deceased disabled worker, you can get benefits too under certain circumstances. To qualify for survivors benefits as a divorced spouse, you must be:

  • at least 60 years old
  • at least 50 years old and disabled, or
  • caring for your deceased ex-spouse's minor or disabled child (under the mother's or father's benefit).

If you're not caring for your ex-spouse's child, any survivors benefits you collect won't be counted toward the maximum family benefit (MFB) amount.

Survivors Benefits for Dependent Parents

Even an older parent of a deceased worker who was collecting SSDI (or entitled to Social Security retirement benefits at the time of death) can sometimes collect survivors benefits. To qualify, the parent must be:

  • 62 years old or older
  • divorced, widowed, or unmarried
  • financially dependent on the deceased worker for at least one-half of their support at the time of the worker's death, and
  • not entitled to a Social Security retirement benefit that's more than the parent's survivors benefit.

The dependent parent must apply for survivors benefits within two years of their child's death. The only exception to the deadline is if the parent didn't know about the two-year rule and had a good reason (such as a language barrier or illness) for not knowing.

How Much Does Social Security Pay in Survivors Benefits?

A surviving spouse or minor child will receive a percentage of the monthly amount the deceased worker would have received as a monthly disability benefit. Here are the general rules:

  • A minor or disabled child will get 75% percent of the deceased worker's monthly amount.
  • A surviving spouse who's caring for the deceased worker's minor or disabled child will get 75% percent of the deceased worker's monthly amount.
  • A surviving spouse who's between the age of 60 and full retirement age will receive 71-99% percent of the deceased worker's monthly benefit.
  • A surviving spouse who's reached full retirement age (66 or 67) will receive the full amount of the deceased worker's monthly amount.

The total of the surviving spouse's benefits and the children's benefits, however, can't be more than the maximum family benefit, which is 150% of the deceased worker's monthly SSDI benefit. (Remember that any benefits paid to a divorced spouse who's eligible for survivors benefits because of age or disability won't count toward the MFB.)

Social Security's One-Time Funeral Benefit

When a worker entitled to Social Security disability or retirement benefits dies, a family member (spouse or child) who was living with the deceased worker can receive a one-time death benefit (currently $255). You must apply for this benefit within two years of the worker's death.

How to Apply for Social Security Survivors Benefits

You can't apply for survivors benefits online. Instead, you can call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 (TTY 800-325-0778) to set up an appointment to apply for the survivors' benefit. Or you can visit your local Social Security office, with or without an appointment. (Note that making an appointment can reduce the amount of time you'll have to wait to see a representative.)

Because survivors benefits are usually paid from the date of the application, not from the date of the worker's death, you'll want to apply for these benefits as soon as possible. Don't wait until you have all the required documentation to contact Social Security. Just gather as much of the following information as possible before your appointment:

  • a death certificate or documentation from a funeral home showing proof of death
  • your birth certificate and Social Security number
  • the Social Security number of the deceased worker
  • your marriage certificate, if you're applying as a widow or widower
  • your divorce decree if you're applying as a surviving ex-spouse
  • the birth certificates and Social Security numbers of any of the deceased worker's dependent children
  • the deceased worker's most recent W-2 forms, and
  • your bank account number and the name of the bank if you want to have your survivors benefits directly deposited into your account.

Learn more about the Social Security benefits available to workers and their families.

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